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Monday 12 March 2012

my dREaM !

hye buddy !
happy holidays.
i'm happy enjoying my holidays .
but , my happiness dissappear when i saw my homework .
hmm , trpkse lha buadd sume homework versi stahun tuhh .
kan ain nakk jadi pndaii .
so,kne lha blajar rjen2 .
nty ble daahhh naek form 5 senang .
hmm , cakap pasal form 5 , mmbuadd kan aq terfikir pasal cita2 .
cita-cita ?
ade ape nn cita2 ?
penting ke ?
of coz lha penting dear .
cita2 tuhh yg akn tentukn ur life .
aku ?
ape cite2 aq ek ?
hmm , dlu , aq nakk sgt jdy DOKTOR coz ayh aq ckp impian dye kalaw boleyh nak ade at least sorang anak dye yang jdy DOKTOR n adew klinik sdri .
ayah cakapp , senang kalaw sakedd ade anak sendiri boleyh je .
aq hope aq yang akn penuhi impian ayah .
but, kak long nintak maaf ayh , kak long tak mampu nak teruskan impian ayah tuhh .
kak long takk kuat nakk blaja sume pasal MEDIC .
minat kak long xdew langsung kat Medic . 
minat kak long dekat BUSINESS .
well , like father , like daughter .
kak long nyh mgkn bnyk ikodd ayh , otak business .
so , to achive my dream , i will studying smart n hard .
i want to make my father proud of me evev i will not fulfill his dream that want me to be a doctor .
 this is AIN to be , insya Allah .
i will be a successful business woman one day .
dah , ain jgn nakk melalut lalut .
blajar pown takk habes lgy .
yg pntg skrg aq kne rjen blaja . ta maw malas2 lgy .
penn offff . jom buadd homeworksss .
kbye .
nytes !

Wednesday 25 January 2012

f0RM 4 LifE !

sedar tak sedar daa almost sbuln aq mle skola blek .
start a new life at SAKTI .
n being a form 4 .
many things had changed n honestly i hate those change .
the rules geeting much damn !
for me , being a form 4 students was very2 busy .
i have so many commitment esp 4 my coop .
n also my homeworkssssssssssss .
so , i don't think that form 4 is honeymoon year .
new subjects , new teachers .
now , i learn to love it .
as i took sains tulen , it was a bit hard 4 me .
but , like my father said , nothing easy in this world .
it juz be easy when we want it . 
we must keep trying until success .

so far , i love chemistry very much .
when i knew that my chemistry teacher is ckgu Hafiza , i was shocked .
suddenly , i remember about last year incident .
es , it also my fault .
so nevermind .
i juz forget about that n being close to her .
act , she is nice .
maybe , she was too tired at that time .
i'm jus want to ask for our apologise .
i'm sorry teacher for being rude .
sejarah is quite easy 4 me mybe bcoz the teacher was very fun .
add math n physic is quite hard .
but i feel  very thankful bcoz my teachers were very patience teaching us until we understand .
thanks teacher .

Monday 2 January 2012

baCk t0 scH0oL .

okay !
time for holiday is over now .
i must come back to my beloved school tomorrow .
huhu .
sad time .
bye2 ruma , lappy , kedai .
going back to SAKTI after cuti 4 two months .
continue study 4 upper form .
being a senior .
i want to focus on my study n fulfill my dream 4 9A+ in SPM 2013 .
insya Allah .
i will try my best to achieve it .
pray 4 me kay ?
gudbye evrybody .
gudluck 4 evrthing that u do .
# gonna to miss my home , my kedai my cik man . gossipping with my dad's worker .

Saturday 31 December 2011

f0Rm 4 t0 bE .

hahahaha .
sedar2 ta smpai 1 jam lgy kte nk smbut tahun baru 2012 .
skjp jewp aq rse .
2011 prgi mngglkn 1001 kngn terindh dlm idop aq .
yg plg aq ingt smstinyala :
# dpt 8A PMR
tpy , most important 2011 mgjr aq bnyk tntg prkre bru .
alhamdulillah , aq brsyukur krne msh dberi pluang utk mghirup nafas taon 2012 .
azam aq utk taon bru nyh :
# nk blaja rjen2 , no honeymoon year !
# nk dpt ranking top 30 dlm stiap exam .
# ta maw mls2 !
# jdy ank yg baek :) + budak baek :)
# ta maw gado2 nn kgkwn lgy .
hehe , pepown yg pntg aq nk jdy better dry 2011 .
next year , umur aq pown plus staon lgy .
da mkn mngkt usia aq , da msok form 2 .
daa jdy senior laaa <3
daa msok upper form .
chemistry , biology , add math n physic waiting for me .
scared me .
but , i optimize that i could face all the challenges better .
yes , ain , i know i can do it .
chaiok .
sume doakn sye ye .
aq hope 2012 akn mmberikn 1001 sinar kpd kte sume .
bye 2011 .
welcome 2012 .
n this :

wATeRW0RLd maRI !

yesterday , my family and i have a great day together .
we spent a whole day at A 'Famosa water world , Melaka .
akhrnye impian aq nn adq2 aq nk pi sne tercapai .
npe plak aq ckp cmny ?
hehe . act , dlu this is my fav place to go .
tpy ble da bsr ny jrg da pi sne .
bez sgt2 dpt sme2 nn family . tpy byrn nyew da naek .
utk sume family aq RM 265 .
ape ?
murah ?
bgy korg mgkn ye , tpy bgy aq agk mhl la .
cter pnjg2 pown ta bez un ?
so , juz enjoy our pics .