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Saturday 31 December 2011

f0Rm 4 t0 bE .

hahahaha .
sedar2 ta smpai 1 jam lgy kte nk smbut tahun baru 2012 .
skjp jewp aq rse .
2011 prgi mngglkn 1001 kngn terindh dlm idop aq .
yg plg aq ingt smstinyala :
# dpt 8A PMR
tpy , most important 2011 mgjr aq bnyk tntg prkre bru .
alhamdulillah , aq brsyukur krne msh dberi pluang utk mghirup nafas taon 2012 .
azam aq utk taon bru nyh :
# nk blaja rjen2 , no honeymoon year !
# nk dpt ranking top 30 dlm stiap exam .
# ta maw mls2 !
# jdy ank yg baek :) + budak baek :)
# ta maw gado2 nn kgkwn lgy .
hehe , pepown yg pntg aq nk jdy better dry 2011 .
next year , umur aq pown plus staon lgy .
da mkn mngkt usia aq , da msok form 2 .
daa jdy senior laaa <3
daa msok upper form .
chemistry , biology , add math n physic waiting for me .
scared me .
but , i optimize that i could face all the challenges better .
yes , ain , i know i can do it .
chaiok .
sume doakn sye ye .
aq hope 2012 akn mmberikn 1001 sinar kpd kte sume .
bye 2011 .
welcome 2012 .
n this :

wATeRW0RLd maRI !

yesterday , my family and i have a great day together .
we spent a whole day at A 'Famosa water world , Melaka .
akhrnye impian aq nn adq2 aq nk pi sne tercapai .
npe plak aq ckp cmny ?
hehe . act , dlu this is my fav place to go .
tpy ble da bsr ny jrg da pi sne .
bez sgt2 dpt sme2 nn family . tpy byrn nyew da naek .
utk sume family aq RM 265 .
ape ?
murah ?
bgy korg mgkn ye , tpy bgy aq agk mhl la .
cter pnjg2 pown ta bez un ?
so , juz enjoy our pics .

Thursday 22 December 2011

yeah !
alhamdulillah .
thankz to Allah .
finally , aq dpt gak 8A's 4 my PMR 2011 .
tak sia2 aq blajar 3 taon kat SAKTI .
this result specially 4 my m0m n my dad .
i luv both of u .
seronok ble ngok dyorg gmbira n cry bcoz of my succeed not my failure .
aq bersyukur sgt2 krana aq dpt ape yg ma n ayh hope kat aq .
cuak sgt ble msok ONE STOP CENTRE ,
mke ustazah Nora cam serius gler .
paz ue , bley ckp , law nk wat rayuan boleyla amek borg nye .
aq daa rse cam nk pgsn wk2 tu .
ta sggop nk kcewakn my parents n my tcr yg bnyk bgi ilmu slame ny tnpe jemu .
yg plg gmbire pstilah bcoz B.I ktorg pchkn rekod .
81.9 % A
n MATH .
100% A
n seramai 88 org dpt straight A's .
finally , juz want to wish congratulation 2 all my fwenz that success .
but , kpd yg ta brjye jgn kcewa , 
SPM  is more important that will tntukn life kte .
mybe ade hkmh dsblik sesuatu kjadian .
this is what i had achieve :

alhamdulillah :)

p/s : thankz sgt2 kpd kwn2 yg bnyk bg tnjuk ajr slame nyh .

Wednesday 21 December 2011

1 more day to go !

owh , no !
Oh my God !
skrg da 21 Disember 2011..
esok , 22 Disember 2011..
haa ?
ade ape nn tarikh 2 ?
mstilah ade bnde pntg .
guess what ?
ye , esok rslt PMR akn diumumkn tepat jam 10 pg .
oh , God pliz help me .
i'm really2 worry .
n keep worry .
aq takodd akn mlht my mom crying bcoz of my failure , my dad crestfallen with me .
aq nk jdy cth trbaek utk adq2 aq .
aq hope kptsn sbnrnye ialh :
8A's 4 my PMR .

Sunday 18 December 2011

naek skola ?
ble sebut psl naek skola mzty bnyk bnde yg kte tbe2 trpkir kn2 ?
bju baru , kasut baru , beg baru n mcm2 lg...
tpy bg aq law bnde 2 still elok , xyahla nk mmbazir kn2 ?
hmm ,..., tpy yg lg pntg ialah YURAN SEKOLAH....
huh , dye ingt parents ktorg ny TUKANG COP DUIT agknye....
sng2 jewp anta surat , yuran ny ,yuran 2 lah...
muak aq ngok....
bkn ape , aq juz cyan kt parents aq , apth lgy yg family susah2....
nty ble buke skola lgy mcm2 duit kne byr..
cery dorm laa..,kelaz laa...
kne beli bku nilah , buku 2 lah....
sume 2 melibatkn DUIT !!!
ngok bwh ny , yuran jewp daa dkt seribu...
mmg SIKIT laa kn ??
seram ?
eah , i'm very worried right now waiting 4 my result 4 PMR....
i'm scared if i will not get an awesome result...
aq ta sggup na ngok my mom , my dad n my family cring 4 my failure...
OMG !!
kt fb , blog sume da kecohh yg result kuar 22/12 nyh...
4 more days 2 go...
waiting n waiting worriedly....
how if i get a bad result ?
cmne nn my parents ?
ohh , aq ta sggup na kcewakn dyorg....
aq ta nk dyowg sdey law aq ggl...
aq hope sgt slip result aq cam ny...
 amin...insya Allah...

Monday 12 December 2011

GreATeSt NigHt 0f uS !

haa !!
smlm 12.12.2011 adlh annivesary my beloved mom n dad yg ke - 17....


brsmpena dgn annivesary dyorg , kami tlh smbut dinner...
kat mne ?
of coz laa RESTORAN HASSAN ONG di Kota Tinggi....
kami tak kaye cam korg na mkn kat hotel mewah2...(ayt ta boleyy blaa)
tpy , mmg puas glerw arr mkn kat situ...
time ktorg dtg xdew customer len (mcm ttamu vvip plak)...
ny la antre menu ktorg mlm ue...

ikan siakap masak stim asam pedas

daging rusa msk kicap


udang goreng sambal

it was really2 awesome !
like it !
ta sabo na 2gu 12.12.12......
insya Allah akn wat smbutan yg lbey hbt.....

# gmbr real ta smpt na amek coz sume ta sabo2 na mncekik...huhu