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Wednesday 23 November 2011

pROUd 2 bE MalaYsIAns ! !

haa !!
ary ny nk cterw psl bola sepak . . hehehe . .
2 ary lps skuad bola sepak Malaysia tlh mglhkn skuad Indonesia . .
sume pemai n HEBAT !!

Sunday 13 November 2011

syukri yg montel...

haa !! ny adq aq yg plg aq cyunk w'pown dyer teramat laa nkl.. nme dye muhammad syukri..smlm ary konvo dyer stlh almost 1 year studying at TADIKA AN-NUR SHOBIRIN...skola lme aq gak..hehe...sje je nk msokkn gmbo dyer dlm blog aq nyh...
haa..ny dyer amek adiah coz dpt mrkh 100% dlm 4 sub..
hmm,nyh aq nn adq aq,amim...yg sme tarikh lahir nn aq..comelkn dyer pkai songkok..

haa ! ny time dyer bce doa utk ibu bapa..agk tunggang terbalik..

Tuesday 8 November 2011


hmm..,da almost 2 years aq stay at alfa 1..da mcm2 pglmn pahit manis aq tmpuh nn diorg..aq syg at dorm ue sgt2..dorm 2 bnyk mnyimpn 1001 sweet n sad memories..we share everything together...but,now i lost everything !! i juz CRESTFALLEN !! i can't accept the fact that i'm not longer thet dorm's member..now,i felt lost..very lost esp when staying at hostel..yeah ! then,i realize that i felt this becoz lost..i lost my dear sisters n fwenz..i love all of them very much..n bcoz of this bad situation,i had became very silent in my new dorm,alfa 3..i rarely stay in my own dorn..in the sametime,the alfa 1 members asked me to stay with the. argghhh !! kusut !! bkn xnk stay nn korg,tpy law aq mkn rpt nn korg,mkn ssh utk aq trime fact that i'm not longer the members of alfa 1..dlu aq x ske kat kq pa'in..reason ?? coz dye cam brt sblh..tpy ble dye jdy ketua dorm.,she's totally changed ! she became a good sister that i ever had..well,i not have a sister..but,with her i felt very happy bcoz i know how much happy when has a sister that care about myself very much..n now,i juz want to say that sye sgt sygkn KQ PA'IN...tnpe akq idop sye snyi coz sye xdew akq utk share everything n care kat sye sgt2...yg len pown sye cyunk,kq iffa yg slalu jewp baik nn sye..slalu care kt ktorg..ta prnh mara2,ta prnh pilih ksh...kq eyra yg cute..yg slalu cterw psl life dye kt ktorg..my besties..bat yg dlu slalu kne mara nn aq psl mawe..hmm,aq mnx maaf aq wat sume ny coz aq tkowt ko kcewa n kne tipu..eica yg slalu jdy tmn bsh baju aq..yg otk glerw2..tpy b le nanges mmg ta bley na pjok daa juz bley ngok n 2gu dye bhnti sdiri..yg degil daa sakit pown still nk pi skola...aliya pk dorm yg sgt mmntgkn kkmasn n kbrshn...tpy,sometime prgai ttp  cam knk2 sme jam bdn dye yg kecik 2..stiap kali cti pnjg mzty tkr teddy bear n all mzty cute2 sgt..jeles aq taw !!..nurin yg kdg2 blur ble ktorg merepek..yg ta prnh ta tdow tnpe slimut..yg ta ske wrne pink..tpy plg pndai antre ktorg ber-6..ayun yg slalu kne rmps fon n tlh mmbuatkn fon aq ilang..haha..yg gaye cam brutal tpy  ble kuar prgai mnje dye,ta sggup eden mlihatnye...sera yg baik ta prnh mrungut...fara yg slalu wat aq risaw coz mke dye yg pct cam org sakit..myna yg ta prnh kering nn lwk dye n dye nyew loyar buruk.ble dye ktawe ktorg yg tgh nanges ny pown msty join dye ktawe..n bahirah yg mmg pndai n petah bkte2...yg slalu tdow at lntai mlm2..pnt aq kjut tpy ttp xmaw bgon..hAhaha..ny la life dax alfa 1..tpy mlg new skrg aq da xkn mmpu nk lalui sumenyew nn diorg...cme skrg 1 jewp hrpn aq,aq hope sgt dyorg xkn buang aq dri idop diorg biarpun ktorg smkn jauh..n aq dpt trime yg now aq ialh ahli dorm ALFA3 not ALFA 1 anymore...Ya Allah..,hnye kpdaMu aq pohonkn agr engkau mnitipkn aq scebis kkuatn utk mnmpuhi sgale dugaan yg mndtg..